Dimitris has a beautiful sound on alto, a smooth approach and a lot of lyricicm . The material is very good”.
David Liebman said for “Growing up”

Dimitris Tsakas second album is a very pleasant surprise since neither the compositions nor the performances are trapped in any style or stereotype of the genre.It achieves originality without sacrificing its quality.
THANOS MANTZANAS Avgi Newspaper 6th February 2016

The concept for this album was born during a rehearsal with my friends and musical partners, Alex and Kimon, as we explored the themes of composition, performance, and creativity in Greece. Through our discussions, I realized that “Conversation Helps.”
I thank both for their incredible musicianship, interaction, and support. This album wouldn’t have been possible without them
Special thanks to my mother, Eleni Tsaka, for allowing me to use her painting “Genesis.”
Dimitris Tsakas.